Glos Ameryki, International Broadcasting, Poland, VOA

Zofia Korbonska, Polish Freedom Fighter and Voice of America Broadcaster, Dead at 95

Zofia Korbonska, Polish Underground resistance heroine and participant in the Warsaw Rising of 1944, passed away on the morning of August 16 in her home in Washington DC. More details to follow. In lieu of flowers, tax-deductible donations may be sent to the Stefan Korbonski Foundation, promoter of publications about the recent history of Poland. Stefan Korbonski Foundation c/o Ted…

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FBI Uncovers Russian Spy Network of “Illegals” in the US

Links to FBI complaints in the Russian spy case. Click on the images to read the court documents. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin later met with the spies at a secret location in Russia after the US government released them as part of a spy exchange agreement with Moscow. By making his meeting with the spies public, Mr. Putin may have been sending a signal to other Russian “illegals” who most likely are still working in the US and in other countries.

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Public Diplomacy, Russia

US supporting – not exporting – democracy in Russia, says Obama

Democracy Digest from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED): Democracy remains on the US-Russian agenda, President Barack Obama said today. But it is best advanced through the dual track approach entailed in the reset of relations between the two states Follow this link: US supporting – not exporting – democracy in Russia, says Obama  Sourced from: Free Media Online

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Senator Lugar: U.S. International Broadcasting – Is Anybody Listening?

From Senator Lugar’s website: On June 9, 2010, Senator Dick Lugar released a report prepared by the minority staff of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee. In his letter accompanying the report, Senator Lugar wrote: “A key component of any nation’s public diplomacy effort is its ability to communicate with the rest of the world — either through people-to-people initiatives…

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Katyn and Auschwitz Made Spring 1940 “Poland’s Most Cruel”

177 Kent St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11222 – (718) 349-9689






Brooklyn, N.Y. …It was April 1940. Six months had already

passed since the invasion of Poland by the Germans and the

Russians the prior September. Most of the killing should have

stopped by now.

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Don’t Silence Voice of America | The Heritage Foundation

Although diplomats and pundits have crowned Web 2.0 as the new communications king, radio remains the globe’s most trusted source for information. Consequently, America should ensure its public diplomacy strategy continues to commit resources, as well as congressional oversight, to developing its radio capabilities. The author of this article, Helle C. Dale, is Senior Fellow for Public Diplomacy in the…

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Poland, Russia

“The Katyn Problem in Contemporary Russia”

Professor Aleksandr Guryanov’s presentation [translated from Russian] from the Katyn observances at the Coolidge Auditorium of the Library of Congress, May 5, 2010. This is sent with permission of Professor Mark Kramer [translator] and the Harvard University Cold War Archives. It can be reprinted or reposted with acknowledgment. “The Katyn Problem in Contemporary Russia” Aleksandr Guryanov, “Memorial” Society Esteemed Mr. Chairman and Ladies and…

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Russia, VOA

VOA launches Digital Frontiers web project & Free Media Online Blog, May 06, 2010, San Francisco — Dr. Kim Andrew Elliott reported the launch of a new Voice of America digital freedom web page. Dr. Elliott is an employee the Broadcasting Board of Governors, which manages VOA. He edits his own international media news website, Kim Andrew Elliott on International Broadcasting, which he claims is…

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Public Diplomacy, Russia

BBG Blamed for Armenian Genocide Denials on Congressionally-funded Radio Liberty & Free Media Online Blog, May 02, 2010, San Francisco — Armenian genocide and Holocaust denials in radio and TV reports generated by private contractors working for the Broadcasting Board of Governors are linked to mismanagement and flawed programming policy at this US taxpayer-funded Federal agency, says FreeMediaOnline, a San Francisco-based nonprofit organization which works to promote independent journalism…

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BBG Blamed for Armenian Genocide Denials on Congressionally-Funded Radio Liberty & Free Media Online Blog, May 02, 2010, San Francisco — Armenian genocide and Holocaust denials in radio and TV reports generated by private contractors working for the Broadcasting Board of Governors are linked to mismanagement and flawed programming policy at this US taxpayer-funded Federal agency, says FreeMediaOnline, a San Francisco-based nonprofit organization which works to promote independent journalism…

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Poland, Public Diplomacy, Russia

Obama Failed to Notice the Hitler-Stalin Pact but Remembers The Elbe Anniversary 

President Obama announced his decision to scrap the U.S. missile defense system in Central Europe on September 17, 2009, the anniversary of the Soviet invasion of Poland. He then signed an arms control agreement with Russia in Prague, the prime site of the Soviet-led invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968. On the day of the Polish President Lech Kaczynski’s funeral, he…

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